Tuesday, April 27, 2004

CSI - nerdy serial with lousy plots and cool computer animations!

Back to the blog after a while.

Last Sunday I watched a re-run of the Snuff
a CSI serial episode. I'd watched CSI before but I thought it was kinda cool.
But I could never bring myself to like completely because the plot seemed rather
mundane and symplistic to me. Finally it got me though. The end was still rather
disappointing but the investigation itself: the restructuring the facial features,
the computer graphics were superb. This serial is not about characters, humans
are peripheral to science, which set the SCI apart from any other criminal drama.

I may be watching it again next Sunday.

Nebol'shoe pojasnenie po-russki: v bytnost' moju student kafedry etnografii my izuchali cherepa skifov - rasovye osobennosti, pol i tak dalee Estestvenno vse eto na ochen' primitivnom urovne, iz “tehniki” tol'ko shtangencirkul' :-). Posmotrev SCY ja predstavil kak by kruto eto vygljadelo esli by smogli vossozdat' lica etih ljudej - ne po metodu hudozhnika Gerasimova :-), a s pomosch'ju naisovremennejshih tehnologij!!

Monday, April 05, 2004

My weekend was pretty uneventful, just marking student papers on feminism, Vietnam war,
and the Black Panther.It was an educational experience, especially to read the B.P.'s
Ten points program
which stipulated that
We believe that the federal government
is responsible and obligated to give every person employment or a guaranteed income.

or this

We believe that if the landlords will not give decent housing
to our Black and oppressed communities, then housing and the land should be
made into cooperatives so that the people in our communities,
with government aid, can build and make decent housing for the people.

So they wanted justice and prosperity for all,
but how "can you make a revolution without executions?"
- and followed this Lenin's advice

Friday, April 02, 2004

Mark Steyn takes at Passion critics

In an otherwise rather mediocre review
of the Passion of the Christ Mark Steyn still manages to entertain the reader.
Here's his hillarious depiction of those who thought the Passion was 'too
violent', 'pornographic', 'antisemitic' and so on. Oh yeah, it's ad hominem
I know but how true....

The headline on the Washington Post review
sums it up: ""Passion' Is A Gory Take On A Gentle Teacher's Violent
End". Somebody's confusing their Gospel with Godspell. A few days before
the "violent end", the gentle teacher had been hurling tables around
in the temple. And, even if you overlook the rough stuff, rhetorically Christ
was as forceful as He was gentle. That's the real argument over The Passion
Of The Christ. It's not between Christians and Jews, but between believing
Christians and the broader post-Christian culture, a term that covers a large
swathe from the media to your average Anglican vicar. Some in this post-Christian
culture don't believe anything, some are riddled with doubts, but even the
ones with only a vague residual memory of the fluffier Sunday School stories
are agreed that there's little harm in a Jesus figure who's a "gentle
teacher". In this world, if Jesus were alive today he'd most likely be
a gay Anglican bishop in a committed relationship driving around in an environmentally-friendly
car with an "Arms Are For Hugging" sticker on the way to an interfaith
dialogue with a Wiccan and a couple of Wahhabi imams. If that's your boy,
Mel Gibson's movie is not for you.